Call for Proposals

Showcase of Advancements in Technology-Enhanced Learning in Underrepresented Countries (SATELUC)

The APSCE International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE) is pleased to announce the inaugural “Showcase of Advancements in Technology-Enhanced Learning in Underrepresented Countries” (SATELUC; pronounced as “sa-tuh-luhk”). This showcase is a dedicated poster or demonstration section in the main conference program aimed at encouraging more participation in ICCE from underrepresented countries (defined below) in the field of technology-enhanced learning. Accepted revised proposals will be published in the ICCE Proceedings, which will be submitted to Elsevier for inclusion in Scopus and made available on the official ICCE2024 and APSCE websites.

The objective of this showcase is to provide a platform for researchers, educators, and practitioners from underrepresented countries to report their innovative ideas, research findings, practical applications, or national/regional policies in the field of technology-enhanced learning (TEL). This showcase is not a financial aid program.

We invite proposals from individuals or teams working in technology-enhanced learning from underrepresented countries to submit proposals in the form of poster paper (2-3 pages) submission for the showcase. The proposed themes may include but are not limited to the following topics:

In particular, a proposal may report on the authors' own research study or practice, or describe the current situation of TEL in the country where they are based.

All submissions will be reviewed by a panel of experts in the field of TEL. To encourage more participation from underrepresented countries, we are inclined to accept revised and improved proposals with respect to reviewer comments.

The SATELUC participants will be provided with a poster or demonstration space at a dedicated SATELUC session with the name of their country prominently displayed. Additional arrangements may be made for participants to socialize with the ICCE participants in general, including members of the APSCE Executive Committee.

Definition of Underrepresented Countries for Participation in SATELUC

In principle, SATELUC considers countries and regions with less than 10 registered participants in each of the last three ICCE editions (2021, 2022, 2023) as underrepresented countries. This is a soft guideline and the SATELUC co-chairs reserve the right to relax it.

For the ICCE SATELUC in 2024, the following countries and regions will not be considered as underrepresented countries. Therefore, authors from these countries/regions are not eligible to submit proposals to SATELUC. The list may be revised for future editions of SATELUC.

Important Dates

Submissions of Proposals

Submissions to be made to EasyChair – please select the track “Showcase of Advancements in Technology-Enhanced Learning in Underrepresented Countries (SATELUC)” for submission.

Language: English (British or US)

Paper length: 2-3 pages

Paper format guide & template: ICCE2024 template

Papers submitted are not expected to include full literature but should have relevant citations.

Enquiries about SATELUC can be emailed to Lung-Hsiang WONG ( and Mas Nida KHAMBARI ( with the subject line “Enquiry on SATELUC, ICCE 2024”.

SATELUC 2024 Co-Chairs